Monday, October 31, 2005

A Secret

One of the gifts I received for Christmas last year was a miniature digital camera, which turns out to take very poor quality and very interesting photos (we have a good quality full-size camera too.) I really love the photos from this camera - they are blurred and off-centre. I'm never really sure what I'm going to get when I shoot. Here's one of friends Kemp and Sarah. I love the capturing of the candid moment - what is being whispered? Do you like the strange quality of this photo?

Here's one of my boyfriend Steve. I love the texture of this because it is so grainy and his head got cut off. Maybe it is unusual to enjoy the flaws in these things, but I think it is the "accidental" quality that facinates me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Voodoo Doll Artist Trading Card

Here is a photo of one of the artist trading cards I made for this month's meeting. For anyone who isn't familiar with ATC's, they are 2.5" x 3.5" cards made and exchanged by artists. I trade with a group here in Toronto at the Gladstone hotel. Although not strickly a card, these dolls fit into the card holder sheets - and rules are meant to be broken, right?